Includes no functionality linked to Square Enix Members or social networking sites.The bonus items originally awarded for having save data from previous games in the series will be awarded in this version regardless of whether there is suitable save data present or not.This version of the game includes some of the downloadable content released for the original.Supports Dolby® Digital output compatible sound cards.This version of the game has had no changes or additions made to the story of the original LIGHTNING RETURNS FINAL FANTASY XIII.There are also some additional notes on this version of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. Supports Full HD display with a maximum resolution of 1920x1080 We know the system requirements already, but now Square Enix. Supports full screen and windowed display modes The wait is almost over for the final instalment in the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy, with Lightning Returns releasing this week for PC. Supports graphics options intended for high-end PCs: